Tuesday, August 17, 2004

effusing again about bloglines

this thing is really revolutionizing the way I surf blogs. A few days ago I was speaking with Rex Miller about blogging, theology, and leadership formation and I was telling him that because of bloglines I could check I could check the over 80 blogs I blogroll in abou 5 minutes. This is because bloglines lets me know of only those blogs that have been updated. Moreover, if I read something interesting that I wish to blog on myself or read more carefully later, all I need to do is to clip it and it's saved for my future reflection. If there's a blog that doesn't syndicate itself? All I need to do is to surf over to blogstreet and in about 3 minutes I can create a syndicated feed to use when adding the site to bloglines. It's the bomb.

1 comment:

Will said...

I *love* bloglines. It has become one of my 'must-have' technologies.