Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Mars Hill Audio

MARS HILL AUDIO exists to assist Christians who desire to move from thoughtless consumption of modern culture to a vantage point of thoughtful engagement.

We believe that fulfilling the commands to love God and neighbor requires that we pay careful attention to the neighborhood: that is, every sphere of human life where God is either glorified or despised, where neighbors are either edified or undermined. Therefore, living as disciples of Christ pertains not just to prayer, evangelism, and Bible study, but also our enjoyment of literature and music, our use of tools and machines, our eating and drinking, our views on government and economics, and so on.

We endeavor to encourage the sensibilities and habits of thoughtful cultural engagement through creative audio resources that we produce at our studio

If you are wondering what a faith-based NPR would sound like, look no further than Mars Hill Audio. The Mars Hill Audio Journal is exec produced by Ken Myers, who, "for eight years he was a producer and editor for National Public Radio, working for much of that time as arts and humanities editor for the two news programs, Morning Edition and All Things Considered."

I've intermittently subscribed through the years and have found their offerings invariably intelligent and thought-provoking.

You can also purchase backissues. One of the valuable features of their website is the ability to scan previous journal issues by topic or by guest.

You can also ask for a free sample copy of the Journal here.

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