Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Missions and the Emerging Church

A friend of mine asked me about this topic and I did a little digging and came up with some resources that might be helpful in beginning to wrap the brain around the nexus of emerging church and missions.

Through knowing Rogier Bos (Rogier was the first editor of Next-Wave), I've come to appreciate Christian Associates International.

Matthew Glock has an interesting article on that he subtitles "An incomplete manifesto for cross-cultural missions in the emerging post-modern culture"

A number of emerging church types also are reading Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch's The Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st Century Church. It's also helpful to review some of the blogs referencing this title through allconsuming. In October there's some Shaping of Things to Come gatherings in England. And Len Hjalmarson recently reviewed this book for the folks @ allelon (free registration required).

I also found an interesting discussion thread on this topic on opensourcetheology.

Also, emergesque readers, I'd be most grateful if you commented here on other resources that you believe would be helpful to review in this discussion.


Mr. Bill said...

Church In Emerging Culture: Five Perspectives

This one is helpful though I would say it might be difficult to get a handle on the emerging church by reading books written about it. A lot of the influential writing has been around for a few years and not classifed as emergent (per se).

Stephen said...

Hi Bill! Thanks for this comment! Would you suggest some?