Sunday, April 17, 2005

Kudos to Johnny Long

my good friend and fellow 'mapper johnny long was recently slashdotted (I think this was his third time) and his book, google hacking, (which syngress asked him to write after hearing him present at one of the Black Hats) shot up to #52 at Amazon!

what's really cool ab this is that johnny has given a lot of thought to how to integrate his faith with his craft. intrigued? see his site (which has 40,000 registered users).

we met johnny and jen a few years ago when they took one of my faithmaps workshops.

from syngress

Johnny Long has spoken on network security and Google hacking at several computer security conferences around the world including SANS, Defcon, and the Black Hat Briefings. During his recent career with Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC), a leading global IT services company, he has performed active network and physical security assessments for hundreds of government and commercial clients. His website, currently the Internet's largest repository of Google hacking techniques, can be found at

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