Saturday, June 11, 2005

Brad Pitt, Diane Sawyer,, and 2.7 Billion Hungry People

Since the "Primetime Live" broadcast, more than 120,000 people have gone online to sign a petition urging President Bush to pledge an additional 1 percent of the U.S. budget to humanitarian assistance and to prod fellow world leaders to follow suit, according to organizers of the One Campaign.

"It was a huge surge from weeks prior," One Campaign spokeswoman Jenny Volanakis told Reuters on Friday. "The increase (in petitioners) was so dramatic that they are able to directly attribute it to" Pitt's TV appearance.

She said the anti-poverty effort has collected more than 900,000 e-mail registrations since the campaign was launched in April.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know ... Was it Pitt? Or was it that Purpose-Driven Pastor? Rick Warren's e-mail to 150,000 pastors certainly had to play into that "surge" as well. The Primetime Live feature was pretty lame, if you ask me. But regardless, I'm glad to hear ONE is picking up some momentum.

Wearing my white wristband,
Steve K.