Tuesday, April 04, 2006

"NCC's 2006 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches cites two 21st century trends: blogging and the Emergent Church"

...the National Council of Churches' 2006 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches examines the latest electronic miracle -- the blog -- and considers its influence on the Emergent Church (EC).


The Emergent Church is defined by Yearbook Editor, the Rev. Dr. Eileen W. Lindner, as a "conversation" (some would say movement) birthed in 20th century Protestantism and "characterized by a robust, energetic and growing online and hardcopy literature" that attempts to shape responses to contemporary culture.

Common attributes of the EC, Lindner believes, are an emulation of the person and ministry of Jesus, a fondness for anecdotes and stories as means of discovering truth, a focus on mission, and a stress on the centrality of worship, even in experimental forms.

Scores of EC proponents are using blogs to advance these ideas and stimulate dialogue. Lindner says it is not possible to generalize them into a predictable demographic class, but she offers examples of prominent EC bloggers: John O'Keefe, founder of www.ginkworld.net, "an emerging/postmodern site exploring what it means to be a follower of Jesus in today's world;" Spencer Burke, former pastor, founder of
http://theooze.com Web site, "dedicated to the emerging Church culture;" Mark Driscoll, founder of Mars Hill Church (www.marshillchurch.org) in Seattle; Mark Pearson, founder of www.cityside.org.nz in Aukland, New Zealand; and Karen Ward, founder and pastor of the Church of the Apostles, www.apostlechurch.org, in Seattle.


The 2006 Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches cites the following blogs that are used by Emergent Church practitioners for communication:

Biblical Theology-biblical-studies.blogspot.com
Bible Software Review Weblog-www.bsreview.org/weblog/blogger.html
Biblioblogs- www.biblioblogs.com
Café Apocalypsis-cafeapocalypsis.blogspot.com
Christian Alliance for Progress-blog01.kintera.com/christianalliance
Christian Origins-www.christianorigins.com
Christianity Applied-christianity-applied.blogspot.com
Christianity Today Online-www.christianitytoday.com/ctmag/features/

Chuck Currie-http://chuckcurrie.blogs.com/chuck_currie
Daily Hebrew-dailyhebrew.blogspot.com
Department of Theology at University of Blogistan-theologydept.

The Evangelical Outpost-www.evangelicaloutpost.com
Get Religion-www.getreligion.org
Jesus Creed-www.jesuscreed.org
Idle musings of a bookseller-anebooks.blogspot.com
The Magdalene Review-www.magdalenereview.org
NCC Interfaith Relations-nccinterfaith.blogspot.com
Open Book-amywelborn.typepad.com/openbook
Religion News Blog-www.religionnewsblog.com
Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean-www.philipharland.com/Blog
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis-socialconcern.blogspot.com
Stumbling Toward Divinity-http://leppercolony.blogspot.com
The Sword-michaelturton2.blogspot.com
Think Christian-www.thinkchristian.net

from Church Executive Magazine - Link

not sure that I would characterize all of these as emerging church, but we appreciated being included!

ht to Chuck Currie

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