Friday, June 29, 2007

Buzz Conference - Friday 29 June 2007 - Q & A with Craig Groeschel

After Craig's Friday talk, Mark Batterson interviewed Craig. Here are my notes from some of the exchange:

Q: What's the 20% of your job that you don't like?

A: Craig struggles with the organizational side of pastoring a multi-state, multi-site church - e.g. terminations, etc.

Q: What do you do for sermon prep?

A: The part of Craig's answer that I found most interesting was that he runs each sermon by 2-3 groups of people that comprise demographics unlike his. He's interested in the reaction of folks that are younger, older, etc.

Q: How do you balance work and family?

A: Craig's a classic workaholic and it was an issue earlier in his career. One day after he told one of his kids that he would be home from work after she went to bed, she said, "Daddy, this isn't your home, you live at the office." So now he comes in early and leaves every day to workout at 3:45 PM. He only has any church-related meetings one night a week - six nights a week he's with his family.

Q: Did you have any idea how successful would become?

A: No. Craig's mentor said that we tent to overestimate what we can do in the short run and underestimate what we can do in the long run.

- Metapost to all Buzz Conference posts

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