Churches as Strength Based Organizations
If you are aware of a church that would consider itself a Strength Based Organization, would you let me know in comments?
navigating theology, praxis, & leadership
If you are aware of a church that would consider itself a Strength Based Organization, would you let me know in comments?
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12/16/2008 04:30:00 PM
i believe Mosaic would say that. i've heard them refer to themselves as a place that is "obsessive about strengths."
Christian Associates - although not a church - but a church planting org, would probably also fall into that category. They use the SF heavily in team and leadership development.
We are using Strengths Finder 2.0 in an upcoming class to identify strengths for volunteer work in our church (of course folks can use the identifed strengths in all areas of their lives!). This class follows a year of identifying our purpose using Appreciative Inquiry. I would love to hear from other churces using Appreciative Inquiry or strength based initiatives.
Rev. Karen Schindler
Unity of Auburn
Auburn, CA
Upon coming to Onnuri Community Church in Seoul, Korea, I'm striving to change the culture to be strengths-based. Being a strengths performance coach, I have the full permission and go-ahead with our lead pastor. So I'd like to say that Onnuri English Ministry ( is striving to be strengths-based.
Also, at the previous church I was at (River's Edge Community church) in Montreal, Canada (, I began a strengths movement there that has put our entire staff through strengths training including nearly 100-150 leaders. Before leaving to Korea, I trained and established a strengths team to carry on the training, so that they're leading the movement now. :)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me :)
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