Sunday, May 15, 2005

Grid Blog/Blog Swarm

Today, May 15, is the day that a couple interesting things are happening in the blogosphere. First, Bob Carlton has organized a Pentecost Grid Blog to celebrate Pentecost. He describes grid blogging as "a kind of decentralized flash mobbing for the mind ... a synchronized guerrilla sharing carried out across a forest of blogs." Andrew Jones gives a nice history of how grid blogging has been "a great example of emergent leadership on the blogosphere, in particular among theoblogians." The goal was to have 120 bloggers from all over the world, in as many different languages as possible. At last count, 62 had signed up.

Second, Brad Hightower (who commented on my "New Monasticism" post) points us to a blog swarm to raise awareness about Darfur, Sudan, culminating today over at Allthings2all. Keep an eye on that site for an upcoming post with tons of links to bloggers talking about the genocide in Sudan.

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