Monday, July 04, 2005

Next Wave Interview of Emergent Village's New National Coordinator

And let's be honest, it sounds pretty arrogant to claim to be a movement. On the other hand, I think we have to remember that perception is reality. The fact that all of the recent media attention has basically bequeathed the title "movement" upon all of us. Many from within existing church bodies and structures as well as those who have been disenfranchised with the American church talk about the influence that Emergent has had upon their faith, and you can imagine the number of emails I get that begin, "I work at what I would consider an 'emergent' church in Anytown, USA." Personally, I think that's great, and I have been won over to Brian's opinion that if a person or a church claims to be Emergent, we say, Welcome aboard!"

Charlie Wear interviews Tony Jones.

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