NT Wright - The Future of the People of God Conference
Andrew Perriman has listed some/all of the blogs that are posting responses to the July 14-16 conversations with NT Wright.
Saturday, July 31, 2004
breakfast with will sampson
This morning Will Samson and I met for the first time in Ellicott City, MD at the Einsteins on Rt 40 and and talked about...
... the emerging church, Len Sweet, Word of Life, Tony Campolo, Brian McLaren, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, the fact that the Protestant Reformation didn't effectively reform ecclesiology (with suitable props to the Roman Catholic Church for what we Protestants can still learn from them), database relational modeling, Waterbrook Press, Lisa Samson, Bethany Shields, vocation, What Color is My Parachute, Jason Clark, Independent Baptists, Robert Caro and Lyndon Johnson, the difference between geeks and ubergeeks, Cedar Ridge Community Church, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, DJ Chuang, George Washington University, warehouse242, Jen Lemen, the faithmaps discussion group, Grace Theological Seminary, faithmaps, Maggi Dawn, Duke, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA TODAY, faithstories, Biblical Seminary, the late dr jonathan gold, online and facetime relationships, John Franke, Stanley Grenz, SmartMinistry, Levi Fuson, Jerry Falwell, Liberty University, ColdFusion, Microsoft, Todd Hunter, Alpha, Charlotte, NC, the Presbyterian Church (USA), Steve Knight, Tennessee Temple University, Creed, transpropositionality, Dan Brennan, and the Willow Creek Model.
Then we ordered breakfast.
Thanks Will; always great to segue those online relationships to facetime!
Posted by
7/31/2004 06:47:00 PM
andrew careaga has re-launched his site as a blog.
Posted by
7/31/2004 06:43:00 AM
Friday, July 30, 2004
in case there was any question
sam carrasco refers to the NY Times Ombudsman who recently claimed his paper is liberal.
Posted by
7/30/2004 07:27:00 PM
culture is not optional and catapult
catapult offers information and discussion on all relevant topics, fosters collaborative thought on practically living out faith in all areas of life, and inspires hopefulness and action through the experience of community and the acknowledgement of the living Christ working through his servants here and now
Discovered these two interesting sites while reading Steve Knight.
Posted by
7/30/2004 07:28:00 AM
Thursday, July 29, 2004
what i truly love ab john o'keefe...
,who i call jok, is that he's constitutionally incapable of sticking to a website redesign.
you go, jok. we all love you.
Posted by
7/29/2004 01:59:00 PM
USA TODAY's Kevin Maney asks the question. Though Kevin sits like less than 10 yards from my office, it took my reading justin baeder to find it out!
Posted by
7/29/2004 07:10:00 AM
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
and speaking of technoligization: another site that lets you create syndicated feeds for free
for any site that doesn't have one:
I needed it cause blogstreet was down and i was looking for a feed from todd hunter's new site.
Posted by
7/28/2004 07:23:00 AM
the truth is that we never entirely get away from gelassenheit, irrespective of the degree of our technologization..
Posted by
7/28/2004 07:20:00 AM
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
looks like there are less protestants nowadays
thanks to jay for the link. ted olsen lists a number of articles covering this.
Posted by
7/27/2004 12:24:00 PM
Monday, July 26, 2004
another realtime emerging church pilgrim
The enterprising Steve Knight has unearthed another soul visiting emerging churches and blogging about it. Matt Deames has joined Rodger Sellers as a fellow-chronicler of emerging churches after actual space and time visits.
Posted by
7/26/2004 05:48:00 AM
Sunday, July 25, 2004
todd hunter's new blog address
todd's moved his blog. it's taken what looks to be like permanent residence @
Posted by
7/25/2004 09:45:00 PM
resources for voters
reed mueller provides us a number of good informative resources from the right and the left.
Posted by
7/25/2004 09:52:00 AM
making decisions
jen lemen offers us a wonderful acrostic tool to aid in making decisions.
Posted by
7/25/2004 09:46:00 AM
Saturday, July 24, 2004
creating syndicated feeds for sites without feeds
I didn't even know that was possible until just a few moments ago I stumbled upon blogstreet while googling for a blogger's full name. When I began linking to blogs in my blogroll that provided syndicated feeds the only one that didn't have a feed was Len Hjalmarson. I used blogstreet's tool and - walla - 5 seconds later I had http://feeds.blogstreet.com/50902.rss and could add him to my bloglines account. (Bbloglines is a syndicated aggregator that also lets you blogroll the folks you aggregate. I should also mention that it totally rocks.)
If after reading this you're going, "huh?" 'cause you haven't yet gotten into syndication; It's not rocket science and I was in that camp like only a month ago. See feedburner's nice orientation page to get up to speed and then rush to bloglines.
Posted by
7/24/2004 02:11:00 PM
introducing others to the emerging church conversation
The emerging church doesn't talk a ton anymore (at least from my seat) about postmodernism. It used to be the big deal but I think as a group we've moved on. Nevertheless, for those just entering the movement or wishing to understand it better, gaining an understanding of it is helpful. Yesterday I was talking with Levi about a friend of his who's wanting to wrap her brain around the emerging church and I recommended a few books. I think my introduction to the movement was when Brian gave me a rough draft of New Kind of Christian and asked for comments (I think it was sometime in 1999 though he may have spoken to me before then about his interest in postmodernism). One of the first books I read that was extremely helpful was A Primer on Postmodernism by Stanley Grenz. Another helpful book was Postmodernism for Beginners, a wonderful comic book-style book from the United Kingdom by Jim Powell. (I really enjoy these Writers and Readers books and have purchased a few of them. They have a number of books providing informative introductions to a number of philosophers, including some of the postmodern thought leaders). For pastor types or for those wishing to bridge postmodern thought with the church, I highly recommend The End of the World as We Know It by Chuck Smith. For balance I think it's also helpful to read one or two of the books very critical of uncritically mixing postmodernism and matters Christian. Though I do not believe he's explored very deeply what postmodernism offers that's positive for the church, DA Carson's substantial The Gagging of God will outline for the committed reader some of the concerns an unthoughtful application of postmodernism to the church might precipitate.
I perhaps should also mention that many have followed Brian McLaren's distinction between "postmodernism" and "postmodernity" which can be confusing to those who lump the two terms together. Brian suggests a nomenclature where "postmodernism" refers to the philosophical school of thought with such thinkers as Derrida, Rorty, Lyotard, and Foucault and "postmodernity" refers more to its current cultural manifestation.
Posted by
7/24/2004 09:13:00 AM
Friday, July 23, 2004
visiting emergent churches
doug pagitt reminds us to visit rodger sellers' log of his summer time quest to visit as many emerging churches as he can. i hope the man writes a book; great opportunity here.
and, with the wonder and magic of bloglines, I find myself locked into a world of feeds where if it isn't syndicated, i don't know about until someone who is syndicated mentions it (rodger isn't syndicated)! :)
Posted by
7/23/2004 07:54:00 PM
Thursday, July 22, 2004
concerns for the emerging church: a new theology
After participating in an emerging church conversation so focused on ecclesiology, chris monroe calls the emerging church back to theology. He hits a number of critical balancing notes. A couple are:
- The error of emphasizing image over substance
While we've also talked about evangelicalism's addiction to the proposition, there is simply no question that one can go imbalanced in the opposite direction. But there's more than simply a balance question here. I'd like to suggest that we need not only to pay attention again to theology but we also need to approach theology differently than many have in the past.
Example: Sometime last year after 12 years of being married my beautiful wife expressed to me a degree of dissatisfaction with the quality of our marriage. In a nutshell, I simply wasn't choosing enough to be with her as opposed to working, or ministry, or writing, or blogging or emailing - you get the point. So last year I started seriously working on this. The most important decision I made was that if she was available, I was with her. In short, I feel that I basically started looking at her more with all my focus, mind and heart. A wonderful thing happened and is happening. Simply because I began looking at Beth more, the quality of our marriage improved and, to my surprise, I fell more deeply in love with her than I ever had been. It reminds me of Scott Peck's observation somewhere in The Road Less Traveled that romantic love is nature's way of tricking us into getting married so that after the flower of infatuation has faded, we then have the opportunity to earn love and romance returns.
I think that loving God may be like that. In fact, I've told my friends that my rebooted romance with Bethany is the leading edge of some change that God is working in my heart. Quite simply, I need to look at God more, to be with Him more, to focus my heart and mind on Him more. This, I believe, is a ground of theology. Without these, theology is only empty propositionalism.
- an addiction to the nouveau
This, actually, is a characteristic of modernity that's somehow survived in postmodernity: It's new so it must be better! Under this section Chris also talks about the ec antipathy to any degree of institutionalization. Institutionalization is a word that simply represents efficient procedure established over time in missional community (I'm not using "mission" here in the lately popular "Christian" sense). That form of intentional community can be empty or vibrant with life; the institutionalization per se doesn't make it one or the other. max depree writes stunningly on this.
Though many aren't ready yet to call the Emerging Church a movement, it's not uncommon for movements to be imbalanced as they over-respond to perceived imbalances. Chris calls us to a more centered place.
Posted by
7/22/2004 06:52:00 PM
todd hunter blogs again
eric keck and jason clark let us know that he's back.
Posted by
7/22/2004 12:49:00 PM
rex miller's the millennium matrix
i sd have mentioned that rex's book has now been released.
if you're not familiar with the millennium matrix concept, see this chart jordon posted four years ago and an interview rex gave to NEXT (free acrobat reader required).
Posted by
7/22/2004 07:01:00 AM
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Toward an Emergent Church Values Set VI: Authenticity: A Community of Truth
Paul Soupiset posts his sixth value set in his continuing series
Posted by
7/21/2004 12:50:00 PM
sometimes you just have to cut your losses
When I asked him why his coworkers felt he did not respect them, he grunted, "Because they are all fools!" This comment should have been a hint.
Buddhist and consultant Marshall Goldsmith writes in Fast Company an article recommending that those of us who are leaders focus our efforts on the people who respond and not on the people who don't.
I really believe this. Just finished reading First Break all the Rules by Marcus Buckingham where he basically advocates the same thing. I also believe it's biblical. Through the gospels we see Jesus giving people open doors to respond to Himself. But if they walked away, they walked away. He seems to have done this with the rich young ruler. In those instances we are, as it were, a fragrance of death unto death, but we are still a fragrance.
All we can do is to give people open doors. We cannot make them walk through them and we shouldn't try.
Posted by
7/21/2004 12:32:00 PM
overview of NT Wright
"Consider the assessment of Alister McGrath, himself somewhat akin to an evangelical fire marshal. McGrath contends that Wright, his fellow Anglican churchman and former Oxford colleague, has “lobbed a hand grenade into the world of traditional evangelical theology”
Travis Tamerius offers us a summary of NT Wright's thought and its relation to Evangelical Theology. Thanks to Jordon for the link.
Posted by
7/21/2004 12:17:00 PM
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
faithmaps.org is down
the domain host of faithmaps.org and shieldsplace.org is undergoing a DOS attack.
Posted by
7/20/2004 06:15:00 PM
toward a praxis of theological disagreement: machen's warrior children
It would be a mistake to miss Frame's larger point just because one is uninterested in Reformed Theology. There are lessons here for the church emerging.
"My assignment was to write on Reformed theology. But I should note that the remedy for the divisions above is not merely better theological formulations. The almost exclusive focus on doctrinal issues in many Reformed circles is itself part of the problem" (emphasis mine).
So Dr. John Frame writes in a wonderful piece detailing Reformed controversies in the 20th and 21st centuries - mainly since Machen left Princeton and founded Westminster Theological Seminary in 1929 and founded the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in 1936.
I was amazed to find this fine article on the same day I wrote about the need for a new praxis of theological disagreement in the church.
If you haven't followed Reformed history in the 20th and 21st century in the United States or are uninterested in it, then this article is a lot to take in. But it is a fine exposition of how adept we are at dividing into groups and subgroups over what many see as nonessential theological distinctives. I think it also may illustrate my suggestion that some evangelicals generally and some of the Reformed flavor specifically (and I consider myself Reformed (modified)) have made information transfer the omnicompetent modality of spiritual transformation.
I suggest that Dr. Frame speaks with prophetic wisdom.
(I've posted this before but just realized that I hadn't included the link to the article!)
Posted by
7/20/2004 01:02:00 PM
found an interesting zine that seems to deal a good bit with philosophy, christian faith, culture, etc.
Posted by
7/20/2004 12:51:00 PM
Monday, July 19, 2004
The Station Agent
Winning an Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay, Writer and Director Thomas McCarthy offers us a wonderful film that builds to a rich tapestry of relationship between an unlikely cast of characters. There's not a wasted scene, an insignificant line of dialog, or even a non-critical facial expression in this vehicle for lead actor Peter Dinkage as he plays a dwarf named Finbar. Finbar, despite his best efforts to keep others at arms length, succumbs to the tentative moves of a grieving mother - Olivia (movingly played by Patricia Clarkson) and the blatant overtures of a van food stand owner named Joe (played by Bobby Cannavale) as they seek to pull him out of his comfortable shell. Joe and Olivia begin the movie with no pretense. Fin constantly evokes stares and comments but just after Olivia tells him that she lost her little boy, he learns that everyone receives unwelcome attention when she asks him to stop looking at her just then. Fin has the effect of pulling truth out of others and thereby is drawn into unwanted connection with them. The movie is a wonderful meditation of human connection and community | ![]() The Station Agent Originally uploaded by sshields. |
Posted by
7/19/2004 12:18:00 PM
comparing the presidential candidates
liz rios lets us know about a nice site comparing kerry and bush.
Posted by
7/19/2004 09:33:00 AM
Sunday, July 18, 2004
sam carrasco
rudy has posted a picture of his beautiful son sam, who has just been diagnosed with leukemia. see the special sam carrasco blogsite that rudy setup for updates.
| ![]() sam carrasco Originally uploaded by sshields. |
Posted by
7/18/2004 01:14:00 PM
Friday, July 16, 2004
i think i get 3-5 of these a week
see the BBC's Turning the Tables on Nigeria's e-mail conmen
thanks to World Magazine for the link.
Posted by
7/16/2004 12:11:00 PM
Thursday, July 15, 2004
developing leaders
I had a wonderful experience today watching leadership development.
I have been diagnosed as Type II Diabetic since October of 1996. Recently i decided to change endocrinologists because i just wasn't happy with my level of blood sugar control. So I consulted Baltimore Magazine for the best doctors of that stripe in my area. One of the doctors I found was Christopher Saudek at Johns Hopkins Diabetes Center. So today I had my first appointment and went there and was greeted by another doctor - Dr. Rachel Durr, which I thought was a bit odd since I had signed up for Dr. Saudek. But I took it in stride; she proceeded to examine me. But then Dr. Durr let me know that she would be bringing in Dr. Saudek and reporting the results of our examination and then he would also examine me.
After Dr. Saudek came in, I realized that he was mentoring Dr. Durr. He listened to her report, asked other questions, and did his own examination. One common complication of diabetes is blindness brought on by diabetic retinopathy. I visit an opthamologist once yearly to check out my eyes and just had a thorough exam about a month ago. Even so, Drs. Durr and Saudek did what no other endocrinologist had ever done for me: they dilated one of my eyes and examined the back of my retina. It was here that Dr. Durr was instructed as to the proper way to examine the retina for this disease (my eyes are fine, btw). We thoroughly discussed my case and they spent a ton of time with me - I bet I was with them over 30 minutes.
I was impressed by two things:
1) This was the best diabetic exam I had received by several different doctors in 8 years. Later, I discovered why; Dr Saudek literally wrote the book on diabetes! He's one of the authors of the Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes. After the appt, I googled him and read "Dr. Christopher Saudek, a Johns Hopkins University diabetes expert and a past president of the American Diabetes Association" in an healthfinder.gov article on diabetes!! There I also discovered that Dr. Saudek was professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University. He also won my undying affection when he gave me a turbo-cool brand new Freestyle Flash Blood Glucose Monitoring System with a free Data Cable and software! Now I can geek out while being a good diabetic patient!
2) But what also impressed me was that the experience was a reiteration to me that the church needs an entirely new model of leadership formation that embraces both the propositional and the transpropositional (also blogged on this before) . I had no doubt that Dr. Durr had a medical degree and had mastered all the information of endicrinology. But when she was scanning the back of my retina, Dr. Saudek was giving her advice on how to best position her body in relation to mine to gain the best insight into the back of my eye. She saw how he interacted with me and he modeled for her the way a doctor needs to let the patient instruct him. Though he knows 1000x more about diabetes than I do, when I suggested that we drop one of my medications that hinders weight loss for 3 months so that I could try to drop the 5 lbs or so I need to drop before I reach my desired Body Mass Index, he readily agreed. (Higher body fat inhibits insulin receptivity).
I left his office determined to redouble my efforts to attack this disease and further convinced that the church must quit relying on information transfer as the omnicompetent modality of leadership formation.
Posted by
7/15/2004 07:57:00 PM
kim sun-il reportedly killed because of his christian faith
"We have killed an infidel who tried to propagate Christianity in Iraq," the message read. "This infidel studied theology and was preparing to become a missionary in the Islamic world."
this according to the Korean Times. thanks to ted olsen for the link.
Posted by
7/15/2004 07:27:00 PM
sam carrasco
rudy carrasco has begun a new site just providing updates on his 4 year old son, who was just diagnosed with leukemia.
Posted by
7/15/2004 07:21:00 PM
data on christian groups in the united states
just discovered a great website for reports and maps on christian groups in the us that supplements what barna provides: the american religion data archive
Posted by
7/15/2004 01:45:00 PM
the megachurch
world magazine reports that it's estimated that there are now 850 churches in the US that fit the "megachurch" description. in 1970 there were 10.
Posted by
7/15/2004 01:44:00 PM
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
getting transpropositional
some time ago, i complained that my life was too much about concepts and words and not enough about action (or not "transpo" enough). and so i sought for volunteer opportunities where i could do what i've been wanting to do for a couple of years now: train single moms how to become employable through learning simple computer skills. my search for a forum within which to do this has so far been fruitless. i used volunteer match and found one organization in baltimore. i emailed the guy and he actually called me back. we talked; he had the ball and then .... nothing. never heard from him again.
i was reviewing Time's 50 Best Websites and found idealist.org. maybe i'll try again....
Posted by
7/14/2004 08:09:00 PM
believe in
dan thompson posts a nice meditation on denotations and connotations of the word "believe".
my answer to his concluding question is "both"!
Posted by
7/14/2004 08:07:00 PM
more on sam carrasco (4)
jen's going transpo ab helping out the carraso's. see more here. thank you, jen.
Posted by
7/14/2004 11:23:00 AM
emerging spirituality
jason clark posts:
Well I'm off to the NT Wright event we are part of as Emergent. I have been asked to do a seminar titled, "An emerging spirituality: What sort of spirituality is appropriate for followers of Jesus in a postmodern, post-Christendom, pluralistic, pagan culture? What habits, practices, etc., would best embody the reality of the living God in our community?" in response to N T Wright's teaching.
see the entire post and download his notes from that seminar here.
Posted by
7/14/2004 11:21:00 AM
exploring the nexus of church and business
the corporation looks like a must-see. thanks to i am paradox for the link.
Posted by
7/14/2004 11:18:00 AM
"The easy way is a death magnet."
loved this quote from Guy Kawasaki the author of Rules for Revolutionaries
thanks to Fast Company for the reference.
Posted by
7/14/2004 11:08:00 AM
what does being a christian have to do with being political?
jay voorhees offers a nice piece on the responsibility of the christian to be political.
Posted by
7/14/2004 07:10:00 AM
new "Disrupted Church" group
jordon cooper lets us know about dr a.k.m adam's new Disrupted Church group.
dr adam (aka AKMA) is Professor of New Testament @ Seabury.
Posted by
7/14/2004 07:09:00 AM
drowning in your inbox
"The 10 Commandments of Email According to Intel
1 - Don't use your inbox as a catchall folder for everything you need to work on. Read items once, and answer them immediately if necessary, delete them if possible, or move them to project-specific folders.
2 - Set up a "Five Weeks Folder" that deletes its content automatically after five weeks. Use it as a repository for messages you're unsure about, such as that email you want to delete, but you're not sure if the guy's going to call you tomorrow and ask about it.
3 - Assist colleagues' inbox-filtering efforts by agreeing on acronyms to use in subject lines that quickly identify action items and other important messages. Sample acronyms: < AR> , Action Required; < MSR> , Monthly Status Report.
4 - Send group mail only when it is useful to all recipients. Use "reply-to-all" and "CC:" buttons sparingly.
5 - Ask to be removed from distribution lists that you don't need to be on.
6 - To cut down on pileup, use the "out-of-office" feature of your email, in addition to your voice mail, to notify people when you are traveling.
7 - When possible, send a message that is only a subject line, so recipients don't have to open the email to read a single line. End the subject line with < EOM> , the acronym for End of Message.
8 - Graphics and attachments are fun, but they slow down your ability to download messages when you're on the road. Use them sparingly.
9 - If you're sending an attachment larger than 5 MB to a large group of recipients, consider putting it on the company's Web site or intranet instead.
10 - Be specific. If you send a 20-page attachment, tell the recipient that the important information is on pages 2 and 17."
Read the rest of Fast Company's Intel's Got (Too Much) Mail
Posted by
7/14/2004 07:08:00 AM
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
please pray for Sam Carrasco
please pray for Rudy (of Urban Onramps)and Kafi Carrasco's Sam (4) who may have leukemia. Kafi is also six-months pregnant.
Posted by
7/13/2004 07:16:00 PM
religious news links
just was made aware of this helpful page on zondervan's site.
Posted by
7/13/2004 07:19:00 AM
so how emerging are we?
"I started to wonder if we have even started to emerge from anything or are we just the natural evolution of the seeker church movement with a new lingo. Has candles, icons and acoustic guitars and blogging replaced color coordinated shirts, keyboards, and sermons on dealing with stress and marriage. A couple months ago I sat in on a conference call with some church leaders and the idea was floated that since the reformation, all that has really changed in churches is about 10%. The organ rolls out and the praise band rolls in. The cross comes down and some screen go up.
As much as we talk of revolutionary change, we are still taking to the field 52 times a year and putting on a programmed weekly event and programs during the week. As Alan Roxburgh has said, 'We need a movement of God's people into neighborhoods, to live out and be the new future of Christ.'"
jordon cooper provides us with some helpfully provocative thoughts.
Posted by
7/13/2004 07:18:00 AM
Monday, July 12, 2004
late to the party again, but i've just discovered bloglines, one of Time Magazine's 50 Coolest Websites, and i'm in the process of doing setup now. this means i'll be no longer using pluck. i liked pluck quite a bit, but sometimes at lunch @ work i like to check my feeds and pluck is client-based so i couldn't sync what i checked @ work and what i checked @ home. bloglines is web-based so i'll no longer be having that problem.
this also, however, means that i'm joining that growing list of blogrollers that won't link (in my case, now, can't link) to other bloggers that don't syndicate. but this doesn't appear to be a big problem; of the 50 or so folks i link to at the moment, only 1 of them doesn't provide syndication.
Posted by
7/12/2004 09:43:00 PM
mclaren on church: the real - the ideal
"Like Bishop, I have been deeply impressed and instructed by Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Together. Bonhoeffer wisely warns Christians about the dangers of “wish-dreams” about community, ideals and dreams of community that become idolatrous, tempting one to love the ideal or dream more than one loves the actual people in one’s community. Having switched our focus of affection from the people themselves (with all their faults, annoyances, and idiosyncracies), and having bonded instead to our ideal or wish-dream, we are tempted to hate the people who fail to cooperate in seeing our ideal fulfilled as we might wish. Thus we blame them for sabotaging our vision of ideal (or authentic, or Biblical, or whatever other adjective identifies we might insert) community, blinding ourselves to the self-sabotaging hatred or resentment that lies within our own heart, all the while waving the banner of our ideal in “righteous” indignation."
Jason Clark posts a Brian McLaren article that explores church from the points of view of what Brian sees as alternatively contradictory and complimentarian: the ideal and real.
Posted by
7/12/2004 11:40:00 AM
Patrick Lencioni
lots of folks into organizational development are lately reading patrick lencioni books. this morning i received a kind note from sam decker of decker marketing letting me know that his dad - bert decker - recently had the chance to lunch with patrick. sam writes,
"My father knew I was a fan of Patrick’s books and principles, so before he left for lunch he asked if I had any questions for Patrick. I quickly came up with a few. Unexpectedly, Patrick honored me by emailing me his answers. These are too good not to share with you..."
sam's entire post
Posted by
7/12/2004 06:41:00 AM
a trek to visit as many emerging churches as possible
"Rodger Sellers will be traveling to many emerging, post-modern churches all around the U.S. during the months of May, June, and July, 2004. Living out of his camper while "on the road," his research will lead to the formal proposal to Charlotte Presbytery for an Emerging New Church Development Project that we hope to have in the formative stages by early fall. "
See the log of his journeys at here and read about Rodger's visits to such emerging churches as ecclesia houston, journey dallas, jacob's well church, pathways church, scum of the earth church, and more. check out his log for the rest.
Many thanks to Steve Knight for the heads up.
Posted by
7/12/2004 06:37:00 AM
Sunday, July 11, 2004
misguided renewal efforts
brian mclaren has posted a new article to allelon about what we've called emergent stage one.
Posted by
7/11/2004 06:06:00 PM
Saturday, July 10, 2004
aligning your leadership with others and your organization's mission
When a book really captures my imagination, I like to outline it and possibly even write up a summary of it - sometimes pulling in material from other sources as well. The main reason I do this is as a heuristic exercise to help me wrap my brain more fully around the book. But a serendipity of this is that I then have something that I can give to someone who can benefit from the info without necessarily having to read the book entire. So, for example, a few years ago after I read Collins and Porras Built to Last, I put together just such a summary. Later, I so enjoyed having the chance to hear Peter Senge and to read his wonderful Fifth Discipline that I put together a piece called The Thinking of Peter Senge pulling these two experiences together. A few years later, Kouzes and Posner's marvelous book The Leadership Challenge so struck me that I put together an extensive outline that became the basis for my first article with Next-Wave. Reading Eric Verzuh's very practical The Fast Forward MBA on Project Management led to two outlines, one brief and one more expansive. Finally, after reading Francis McInerney and Sean White's FutureWealth, a very insightful investment book about the way the declining cost of information affects society, I put together a brief piece on how this impacts the newspaper industry for some of my fellow managers at USA TODAY.
The latest book to have this kind of effect on me was The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins.
Here's a teaser:
"A friend of mine, having just been promoted to a director’s position, recently strongly recommended Harvard’s Associate Professor of Business Administration’s new book that counsels the recently ascended leader in her first 90 days. When I called another friend who recently accepted a VP position with a cable company, she told me that the book had been her guide for the last few months. And some time after I recommended the book to another friend who had just accepted a national role with a fast growing company, he told me that the book had been a gift from God. "
read the whole summary here and the extensive outline for more details here.
Posted by
7/10/2004 01:57:00 PM
Friday, July 09, 2004
regent radio
is now available featuring folks like marva dawn, larry crabb, gordon fee, stanley grenz, and many others. thanks to prodigal kiwi blog for the heads up.
Posted by
7/09/2004 11:43:00 PM
nice orientation to syndication
if you don't know anything ab it.
Posted by
7/09/2004 11:48:00 AM
john edwards' faith
Ted Olsen blogs on the belief's of John Kerry's VP selection.
Posted by
7/09/2004 06:46:00 AM
Thursday, July 08, 2004
the ooze blog directory
jordon encourages all bloggers to list themselves on the ooze's blog directory. list yourself and spread the word, ok?
Posted by
7/08/2004 09:53:00 PM
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
a history of evangelicalism
just discovered that InterVarsity is publishing an anticipated five volume history of evangelicalism. the first volume by Mark Noll, the rise of evangelicalism, treating edwards, whitfield and wesley, has already been published.
Posted by
7/07/2004 10:17:00 PM
an emergent justice event
rudy carrasco asks a great question.
Posted by
7/07/2004 07:51:00 PM
Toward an Emergent Church Values Set V: Culture-engaged, Missional Communities
Paul Soupiset posts his fifth value set in his continuing series
Posted by
7/07/2004 05:38:00 PM
evangelicals and the environment
Last week in Sandy Cove, Maryland, at the headwaters of Chesapeake Bay, a group of evangelical leaders met to affirm our responsibility to care for God's creation. The gathering—sponsored by Christianity Today, the National Association of Evangelicals, and the Evangelical Environmental Network—included scholars, activists, denominational leaders, pastors, journalists, and representatives of relief organizations.
read the entire CT article.
Posted by
7/07/2004 09:51:00 AM
Monday, July 05, 2004
"Each of us is given five balls. One is rubber and four are glass. The rubber ball is work. If you drop it, it will always bounce back. The other four glass balls are family, friends, health and integrity. If you drop them, they are shattered. They won't bounce back."
great advice given to rebecca ryan from her dad's "turbo-cool hospice nurse."
Thanks to bob carlton for the link and for the reference to what seems to be a valuable zine - Worthwhile Magazine. Here's some more info on the zine:
About Worthwhile Magazine
The editorial mission of WORTHWHILE is to put purpose and passion on the same plane as profit. WORTHWHILE offers a roadmap for business success that is more personally fulfilling and socially responsible. We live by the motto that it is impossible to have a meaningful life without meaningful work.
We hope that this site can be a place where you?l come to discuss, to learn, to share your experiences, to find solutions in your worklife.
WORTHWHILE was created by Anita Sharpe and Kevin Salwen, veterans of The Wall Street Journal, with four decades of financial journalism experience and a Pulitzer Prize between them.
This blog is managed by senior Web tsarina, Halley Suitt, with the incredible assistance of Boris Anthony.
Tom Peters (In Search of Excellence, etc) is also one of the contributors.
Posted by
7/05/2004 09:24:00 AM
Sunday, July 04, 2004
heart and culture
will sampson made an important addition to his comments about the Christian Booksellers Association's recent convention.
We can't add these kinds of provisos enough. Thought it's arbitrary to entirely divide matters of heart and motivation from culture, it's nevertheless a critical distinction we must always keep in mind. Any discussion of culture that stays at the level of what sociologists call boundary markers (e.g. clothes, books read, perhaps, in some circles, certain shibboleth beliefs, , etc.) is intrinsically superficial. We must never forget our Lord is much more concerned about the degree to which we love Him and others than that we're pre-modern, modern, postmodern, or post-postmodern.
Posted by
7/04/2004 08:40:00 AM
Saturday, July 03, 2004
advocating a proactive split
In a fascinating editorial, Christianity Today advocates something of a preemptive split in mainline denominations torn over sexual ethics. Though some in the United Methodist denomination, for example, are calling for such a split, UM reaction is varied.
Posted by
7/03/2004 04:56:00 PM
Friday, July 02, 2004
scoring the movies
"Opening to a chorus of glowing reviews and sold-out theaters, Spider-Man 2 is accomplishing what few comic book films manage: winning over audiences not typically drawn to superheroes....'It had a real story to it,'' says Redfield, a video store manager. ''Just because it's a comic book movie doesn't mean it has to be shallow. The characters were as good as in any dramatic film.''
We ran a story this morning that said spider-man 2's wednesday's opening so far looks to be the biggest opening day ever. Viewer and critic reviews have been great.
In the story, I also learned for the first time about metacritic, which aggregates movie critics reviews into one overall score (like rotten tomotoes).
Posted by
7/02/2004 10:27:00 AM
keeping up with the church emergent
In a comment to my earlier post suggesting the five best sites to visit to keep up with all things church emerging, Steve Knight similarly recommends these five blogs:
1) http://www.tallskinnykiwi.com/
2) http://jasonclark.emergent-uk.org/
3) http://urbanonramps.blogspot.com/
4) http://www.e-church.com/
5) http://faithmaps.blogspot.com/ (thanks, steve)
Posted by
7/02/2004 09:57:00 AM
Thursday, July 01, 2004
are you an emerging blogger?
emergingchurch.info is collecting emergent blogs. if you fall into that category, drop a note to adrian. also, be sure to check out their emergent church blog collection.
Posted by
7/01/2004 03:30:00 PM
keeping up with the emerging church
rex miller asked me for the 5 best sites to visit to keep up with the emerging church:
I said:
earl crep's wonderful site
If you're thinking, "I can't believe he didn't list...", please leave a comment!
I'd also be interested in hearing your thoughts about the five best blogs to read to keep up with the church emergent.
Posted by
7/01/2004 08:31:00 AM
guide to basic html
for a non-ubergeek like me, this is exactly what I need for template adjustments. courtesy of blogger help.
Posted by
7/01/2004 08:07:00 AM