blogfast: emergesque goes dark
Hi everyone. As a spiritual discipline, I am going to let emergesque go dark for at least a month. Talking and communication and reading and writing are all necessary. But I am in a blessed season of doing. I will come back - but now it's time to be transpo.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
rob schlapfer exits...
with a quote:
I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians.
Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
Mahatma Gandhi
- no antithesis
- no christian counterculture
- no discerning reader update: tim challies has bought this domain
I, for one, will miss him.
God bless you, Rob.
ht to steve mccoy
Posted by Stephen at 9/22/2005 10:59:00 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Emergesque Ramps Down...
as Stephen Goes Transpo!
I'm not saying I'm taking a break entirely but I do see myself giving emergesque less attention in days to come; I may post from time to time. No idea how long this season will last. The KatrinaGrace effort is taking more time and attention and passion. My dear wife has been to the KatrinaZone and I hope to go myself in the next few weeks, after a business trip next week to the West Coast and the Catalyst Conference.
Posted by Stephen at 9/21/2005 07:52:00 PM 2 comments
Richard John Neuhaus on the Emerging Church
Seeing through the preening self-importance of “seeker,” “emergent,” “pomo,” and whatever is next month’s hot spiritual pretension, they might even find the courage to call themselves Christians.
ht to Steve Bush
image from
Posted by Stephen at 9/21/2005 12:01:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
NBC's Brian Williams is now Blogging
Jordon lets us know that Brian is now blogging on MSNBC.
Posted by Stephen at 9/20/2005 08:21:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 19, 2005
Dallas Willard and Richard Foster on the Renovare Study Bible
Christianity Today interviews these two writers on this new Study Bible.
ht to Brad Boydston
Posted by Stephen at 9/19/2005 06:54:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 18, 2005
NexChurch Notes: Len Sweet
Fred Peatross has posted notes -
from the recent NexChurch Conference with Len Sweet on his blog.
Posted by Stephen at 9/18/2005 12:23:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Beth's Sister Bonnie & Phil in the KatrinaZone
The Charlotte Observer runs an article on Beth's sister, Bonnie Jones, and her husband Phil (free registration required) who were down in the affected areas at the same time as KatrinaZone Team I.
Posted by Stephen at 9/17/2005 10:22:00 AM 0 comments
Grace in the Storm
My wife's account of her trip to the New Orleans Area to assist with Katrina Relief last weekend.
Posted by Stephen at 9/17/2005 12:16:00 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 16, 2005
KatrinaZone Team II
KatrinaGrace sent out a second team to Louisiana last night and pics from the the first Team that went out last weekend have been posted.
Posted by Stephen at 9/16/2005 11:21:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Anna Billedet
I spent some time with one the most amazing women I have ever met, whilst in Denmark, Anna Billedet. Anna is not only beautiful, but is profoundly captivating, and graceful.
Anna has been paralyzed from the neck down since birth, and creates pictures working with brush, pencil, and crayon, which are held in the mouth. Her work is regularly exhibited and you can see some here.
We were talking after we had both just taught seminars. I asked her what she had been speaking about, and she replied 'oh that God loves you, and you are precious to him, and how your identity can be in Him.
Now when most people say that it might sound trite, but her words literally hit me like a physical force, a gentle breeze, she was speaking our of her inner being, the truth of having hidden herself in Christ. I felt blessed and healed and comforted with her words.
Posted by Stephen at 9/15/2005 12:21:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Katrina Grace - A Local Church Goes Transpo
This is really cool. The Katrina Grace blog that I set up for our church is so far pretty much as busy or busier every day than emergesque is on its busiest day. Our church has been so responsive to the Katrina situation. KatrinaZone Team I (lead by my incredible wife) drove over 1000 miles last weekend to deliver supplies and another team of 9 folks (so far it's 9) are driving down this weekend with three full-size trucks and trailers. God seems to be in the efforts and Beth and I are humbled to be a part of it.
Please pray for the folks affected in MS, AL, FL and LA (the damage area is 90,000 square miles) and the safety and effectiveness of all the people trying to help them.
Posted by Stephen at 9/14/2005 11:34:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 12, 2005
Dangerous Blessing
One of the 'mappers, Carmen DiCello, has written a book called Dangerous Blessing that I thought provided a balanced treatment of our pomoChristian movement. Worth checking out.
Posted by Stephen at 9/12/2005 08:32:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Little Help from Greater HTMLheads than mine?
In my Katrina Grace blog links, etc aren't showing up when you click on the urls of specific posts like this one.
Posted by Stephen at 9/11/2005 10:29:00 PM 4 comments
Andy Stanley on North Point and Optimal Church Size
I think this is cool. Adam Cleaveland complained just a bit ab the size of Andy Stanley's church. Stanley himself then posted a somewhat sarcastic remark. He was responded to by other commenters. And then a genuine interchange ensued. i.e. be sure to read the comments.
ht to Darryl Dash.
Posted by Stephen at 9/11/2005 12:23:00 AM 2 comments
Saturday, September 10, 2005
I'm so proud of...
my wife I think I'm gonna bust.
Posted by Stephen at 9/10/2005 06:12:00 PM 0 comments
I had no idea how horrible this blog looks aesthetically in Internet Explorer. I always use Firefox.
The fonts are all funky. Anyone have any suggestions for me as to the easiest way for me to clean this up? I know a tiny bit of HTML and could use the advice.
Posted by Stephen at 9/10/2005 11:08:00 AM 5 comments
a new podcaster
A new rambling podcast went live today. Nothing spectacular but optimized for Yahoo! Media and Apple iTunes. I talked a little bit about health, Audacity, and the Resonate Journal.
jordon cooper is now podcasting.
Posted by Stephen at 9/10/2005 12:08:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 09, 2005
Brian McLaren Calls for Purple People
You’ve heard the old saying: The hard thing about being a bridge is that you get walked on from both ends. As someone who spends roughly half of my time in the conservative world and half in the liberal (theologically and politically speaking), I suppose I qualify as a kind of bridge person. Unfortunately, my experience confirms the old saying, and I have a few boot marks on my backside to prove it.
McLaren in a recent Sojo article.
thanks to Bob Robinson for pointing this piece out to me.
Posted by Stephen at 9/09/2005 12:17:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Katrina: The Disaster that was Foreseen 1 - From a June 2002 special report in the Times-Picayune is a chillingly accurate description of the events that have taken place in New Orleans over the past week. Part One deals with the destruction of the marshes that protect New Orleans and the eventuality of the levee breaches we have just seen as well as some graphic models of the damage that past near-misses might have caused. Part Two acknowledges that the "Big One" will eventually hit the city and that evacuation will not work as intended, leaving hundreds of thousands of people trapped under water in the city needing to be rescued from attics and roofs. Part Three talks about the lack of flood insurance in the city, the poor construction methods used, and the reality that rebuilding will take many years. Part Four describes the enormous risk to people from the "Big One" due to increasing population centers in harm's way and the double-edged sword that is the Army Corps of Engineers, who have both saved the city and ensured its eventual destruction. Part Five is about the high cost of survival and the reality that many of the solutions that could help New Orleans are too expensive to implement.
9/8 Update: it took jordon to let me know that my own employer also published a piece on this in 2000. He also mentions a Times piece that same year. See below.
Five forecasts:
Steven Nicholson summarizes a five part June 2002 New Orleans Time-Picayune series that laid out what was going to happen.
2 - A 2004 National Geographic piece that writes in a similar vein.
3 - And so did a 2001 Scientific American piece. (from Wiki's Katrina article)
4 - So did USA TODAY in 2000.
5 - and Time Magazine that same year.
Posted by Stephen at 9/08/2005 11:08:00 PM 1 comments
Our church, Grace Community Church in Columbia MD, asked Beth and I to coordinate the church's response to Katrina. We've set up a blog to support the effort in case any emergesque readers would like to see what one church is doing.
It looks like we're sending a group to Louisiana tomorrow.
Posted by Stephen at 9/08/2005 12:46:00 PM 1 comments
I recently had to turn on blogger's word verification on my comments 'cause I was getting so much comment spam. a few days ago I was randomly surfing blogger sites and noticed that a ton of what I was looking at was just spamblogs.
turns out i'm not alone in this observation.
ht to brad boyston.
Posted by Stephen at 9/08/2005 08:59:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
kudos to john piper and bethlehem baptist church
who are considering not refusing membership to christians who have not been baptized by immersion, because they are considered that by doing so thaty are putting a narrower defn. of "church member" than God puts on "Christian"!
this is a step in the right direction, imo (and, fwiw, i'm an immersionist).
ht to steve mccoy.
Posted by Stephen at 9/07/2005 12:06:00 AM 3 comments
getting in flow
At Cassil's Coffee the wireless is free as God's grace, the coffee is tasty, especially the blend Kevin call's "The Meaning of Life," a roast that always puts me in a creative mode. Today I read in Fast Company that this mode is now called "flow." It used to be called "the zone." Before that it was called "job satisfaction." Before that it was just "clocking in" I guess.
earl creps on "flow."
Posted by Stephen at 9/07/2005 12:05:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Upcoming Tom Brokaw Show on Evangelicals
"While attendance at traditional churches has been declining for decades," Tom Brokaw says, "the evangelical movement is growing, and it is changing the way America worships."
This appears Friday 9 September @ 8 PM EDT.
from the Associated Press article.
Posted by Stephen at 9/06/2005 08:50:00 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 05, 2005
in case you ever wondered
lauren winner provides a brief history of Labor Day.
Posted by Stephen at 9/05/2005 08:53:00 PM 0 comments
Katrina on the Web
The Washington Post's Leslie Walker does a great around the room of Katrina-centric sites (free registration required) on the web and suggests that this Yahoo site might be the best Katrina portal. She also mentions
- 20050905 Update: Helpful Washington Post Interactive Map - ht to flip medley
- Official List of Missing Persons - US Coast Guard
- The National Next of Kin Directory
- "Thousands of people also turned to Craigslist, a classified-ads site that quickly created special Katrina bulletin boards for missing people, housing assistance and volunteer opportunities"
- - where those needing housing and those offering housing can meet.
- Charitynavigator - where potential donors can check out the legitimacy of online donation sites.
- Networkforgood - which lists most of the major relief agencies collecting money for Katrina relief.
- - "Anyone wanting to organize a volunteer effort locally can use the popular Web meeting service Meetup, which waived all of its regular fees for those providing hurricane relief"
- Stories of Survival - Michelle Malkin
- Katrina Survivors Blog - DJ Chuang
- Church Networks Engage the Katrina Situation
- Katrina predictions
Posted by Stephen at 9/05/2005 07:24:00 PM 0 comments
two kinds of internet users
I’d been thinking on how there’s really 2 kinds of Internet users. And when those surveys and polls and studies talk about Internet users, they’re too often lumped together, when it’d be more helpful to recognize distinct segments.
There’s the relational segment (for lack of a better term). These Internet users actively use the Web, these people live online, active participant in online communities, sometimes referred to as netizens or cyber culture savvy or whatever. Email, websites, IMs, podcast, vlog, blog, message boards, chat room, moblog, wikis are all common venacular (though not every one of them would use every online tool). Relational Internet users have friends who are merely online, and also those who know them in person.
Then there’s the transactional segment. This is the majority of people who use the Internet, and use it as a tool to get what they want and not much else. These are the people who have made it possible for commercial dot-com success. These are people who use the Internet to loosely connect with people they already know.
The relational segment can go online, and almost see the Internet as a place. Various tools help them to move around in that space, do their business, as well as relate to other people in that place. The transactional segment can go online, use the Internet tools to enhance and serve their everyday tangible & concrete life. And they stop there.
dj chuang makes a good observation about users of the internet.
Posted by Stephen at 9/05/2005 12:04:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Request for Feedback from Emergesque Readers: Columnists from the Right and the Left
I was reviewing Blue Eagle Commentary, the best aggregator of Political Newspaper Columnists, and I have three questions for our readers:
- Who are the best columnists from the right?
- Who are the best columnists from the middle (as defined by you)?
- Who are the best columnists from the left?
- Are you aware of a better aggregator with a more comprehensive list than Blue Eagle?
Posted by Stephen at 9/04/2005 02:39:00 PM 1 comments
Kuwait Pledges Half a Billion Dollars to Katrina Relief
"It's our duty as Kuwaitis to stand by our friends to lighten the humanitarian misery and as a payback for the many situations during which Washington helped us through the significant relations between the two friendly countries," Sheik Ahmed Fahd Al Ahmed Al Sabah said in a statement carried by Kuwait's official news agency, KUNA.
according to the Associated Press.
Posted by Stephen at 9/04/2005 01:12:00 PM 0 comments
Katrina: Some Good Stories in the Midst of Many Bad Ones
Stories of Survival by Michelle Malkin
Posted by Stephen at 9/04/2005 01:04:00 PM 0 comments
katrina: more before and after shots from
Posted by Stephen at 9/04/2005 12:34:00 AM 0 comments
on absolutizing others
I was talking with a friend the other day about how, we tend to demonize people, and groups to position ourselves and reinforce what we believe, or want others to. We use straw men in arguments and polarisations and misrepresentations.
jason clark writes about how we might sometimes compare our best with others' worst.
Posted by Stephen at 9/04/2005 12:21:00 AM 0 comments
Claims that Mississippi Katrina Victims aren't Getting Enough National Attention
the AP story
Posted by Stephen at 9/04/2005 12:18:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Katrina Survivors are Blogging
dj chuang lists a number of them today.
Posted by Stephen at 9/03/2005 08:17:00 PM 0 comments
Images: New Orleans Before and After Katrina
You can see before and after satellite images at the
Posted by Stephen at 9/03/2005 05:23:00 PM 0 comments
The folks at have created an elegant interface to help Katrina refugees who need housing connect with people who are providing housing.
ht to Rudy Carrasco.
Will Samson lists some other sites for this as well.
Posted by Stephen at 9/03/2005 03:30:00 PM 0 comments
Samaritan's Purse Katrina Recovery Efforts
Perhaps your church or group would like to send a work crew. We need groups of at least five individuals. The minimum age is 18. Construction skills are helpful but not necessary. If you are interested, call the Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Relief staff at (828) 262-1980 or email
Posted by Stephen at 9/03/2005 12:17:00 PM 1 comments
Night in New Orleans
Scot McKnight posts an essay on the disaster and response.
Posted by Stephen at 9/03/2005 09:16:00 AM 0 comments
The Christian Post article, Dotcoms Bust but Christian Websites Boom, describes the growing impact and readership at, whose website Web site traffic grew from three to eight million from 1998 to 2001. From January to May 2005, generated 9.2 million hits, 4.7 million pageviews and 2.3 million visits. Each visitor spends an average of 18 minutes, unusually long for a Web site.
More info about the's 10th anniversary is featured at LeaderU's 10th: A Decade of Growth & Impact.
dj chuang reminds us of leaderu and the fact that it's now been around for a decade! I have found it to be a very helpful resources.
Posted by Stephen at 9/03/2005 07:03:00 AM 0 comments
New Emerging Church Zine:
Precipice Magazine
Darren King, Willy Phillips, Phil Jordahl announce the re-launch of their online pub.
Posted by Stephen at 9/03/2005 12:32:00 AM 0 comments
Terrible Conditions at New Orleans' Airport
The airport, meantime, has been converted into a triage center. There are so many bodies that medical staff are using the baggage conveyor to carry the stretchers.
There are just so many patients and so few people to help. I would estimate that there are at least 1,000 patients who have been brought in here.
The patients range from babies who are 2 months old to a 91-year-old man. There is no discrimination. If you were a patient at a hospital or you were injured by the hurricane in New Orleans, you could be in this crowd.
Posted by Stephen at 9/03/2005 12:21:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 02, 2005
Church Networks' Efforts to Assist Katrina Survivors
- the Purpose Driven Churches Network is starting to engage the disaster.
- The Leadership Network has set up a page to help churches near the area pull on wider resources.
- The Willow Creek Association has dedicated a spot on their site to the Katrina aftermath.
- The Southern Baptist's North American Mission Board is very active in Katrina recovery.
Posted by Stephen at 9/02/2005 06:21:00 PM 1 comments
CT in Katrina Relief
Rob Moll offers a helpful around the room on what's being done to help Katrina survivors.
Posted by Stephen at 9/02/2005 10:38:00 AM 0 comments
McLAREN: It’s a shame that anyone would accuse me of relativism, especially in reading A Generous Orthodoxy where I devote a chapter to relativism.
HOMILETICS: Al Mohler for example. He’s not stupid. Why would he say that?
McLAREN: It’s really perplexing to me. I agree with you. He’s not stupid. But yet he just makes this statement. In the book I make the analogy that absolutism is like cancer, and chemotherapy is like relativism. And chemotherapy, if you take too much of it, will kill you. So I certainly don’t hold up relativism as a great thing. It’s a dangerous thing. I think absolutism is a dangerous thing. We need something beyond both. So I don’t know why he would say that.
Adam Omelianchuk points us to a wide-ranging interview with Brian.
Posted by Stephen at 9/02/2005 08:26:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Morgan Freeman on Katrina
"Charity begins at home," the Oscar-winning actor said. "We call on anybody who has even the thought (of giving) to get beyond the thought and help these people."
Morgan Freeman
Katrina Felt Across Entertainment World - AP Story.
Posted by Stephen at 9/01/2005 10:19:00 PM 0 comments
Posted by Stephen at 9/01/2005 10:11:00 PM 0 comments
everything katrina
instapundit is using his platform.
ht to GetReligion.
Posted by Stephen at 9/01/2005 10:08:00 PM 0 comments
Survival of New Orleans Blog
Andrew Jones found this blog of a survivor in New Orleans and gave us a heads up.
Posted by Stephen at 9/01/2005 10:03:00 PM 0 comments
Hurricane Relief Day
It was thru Steve Knight that it hit my radar screen that today is Hurricane Relief Day.
As you are called, pls
- pray,
- give, or
- go, or
- some combination.
- The American Red Cross
- Catholic Charities
- National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
- Episcopal Relief & Development
- United Methodist Committee on Relief
- Salvation Army
- Also see who FEMA lists.
Pls spread the word.
Let's blow the world away with what the church can do.
Let's give God a huge smile.
Posted by Stephen at 9/01/2005 04:10:00 PM 0 comments
New Emerging Church Journal
September 1st is a big day for us because not only is Resonate is turning one but the Resonate Journal has finally launched at
jordon cooper announces the new Resonate Journal.
Posted by Stephen at 9/01/2005 07:48:00 AM 0 comments